Aggravated Assault With A Firearm - DISMISSED
April 2021
A gentlemen was pulling out of a well-known retail parking lot when a woman sped up beside him in what he and his wife in a manner causing them to fear for their life. The gentlemen, a licensed concealed handgun carrier, reached next to him and pulled his legally registered firearm from his glove box and placed it on his lap. The woman quickly sped off. 5 miles further up the interstate the gentleman was pulled over by a Louisiana State Trooper who asked him to identify himself and answer if he had any firearms in the car. He provided his driver's license and stated he did have a firearm in the vehicle. The state trooper after a few more questions asked him to step out of the car and placed him under arrest for Aggravated Assault with a Firearm based on the woman's account. Upon posting bail, the gentlemen contacted our office and hired Mr. Lawrence.
Mr. Lawrence filed motions to obtain the police reports, the 911 call, and all statements provided to law enforcement by the alleged victim. He noted at no point did she ever provide a description of the firearm. Mr. Lawrence contacted the prosecutor and asked if one of their investigators could contact the victim and have her describe the firearm our client used to allegedly assault her. She described a completely black gun which looked like a Glock. The firearm the police confiscated from our client was a steel Smith and Wesson which had a wood grain grip. There were no black parts on the firearm. Mr. Lawrence pointed this out to the prosecutor and all charges were dropped.
Since every case is different, the reproduction of these results cannot be guaranteed. However, if you would like to schedule a consultation, the attorneys of Lawrence Law Firm will look at the facts of your case with the same scrutiny and will work tirelessly to achieve the most favorable results.
Practice area(s): Criminal Defense