Carrying A Firearm Or Dangerous Weapon on Campus & Illegal Possession Of Stolen Firearms - Probation
June 2020
In February of 2020, police found a man referred to as Mr. K smoking on Grambling State University campus. Mr. K, when asked, admitted to not being a student at GSU. Police conducted a frisk and found a handgun in Mr. K's pocket, Mr. K did not invoke his right to counsel and after being read his Miranda rights admitted ownership of the firearm. Mr. K was transported to the GSU Police Department. The firearm was found to be stolen from the Lafayette City area. Mr. K was then transported to Lincoln Parish Detention Center.
The defendant waived any delay he might be entitled to and Court sentenced the defendant to five (5) years imprisonment at hard labor in the custody of the Louisiana Department of Corrections on each count SUSPENDED. A fine in the amount of $1,000.00 and all costs of the court are hereby imposed. Execution of the hard labor portion of the sentence is suspended and he is placed on supervised probation for a period of three (3) years on each count.
The result was Mr. K being released upon his plea and he served 3 years on probation.
Since every case is different, the reproduction of these results cannot be guaranteed. However, if you would like to schedule a consultation, the attorneys of Lawrence Law Firm will look at the facts of your case with the same scrutiny and will work tirelessly to achieve the most favorable results.
Practice area(s): Criminal Defense