Theft Of a Motor Vehicle (Police Car) - Probation
August 2021
Officers received a call about a wrecked. A Dubach Police patrol car was parked near a church, and a man standing outside the vehicle. While en route, police noted that they had previously seen a young man with the initials of PW trying to break into the patrol car. Mr. PW had been arrested for this incident. Police picked Mr. PW up where he was walking on the side of La Hwy 151. Video footage was later found of Mr. PW throwing a brick into the window of the patrol car, and entering it. Mr. PW was still wearing the same clothes he was seen in the footage when picked up. He denied involvement in the incident. He was placed under arrest and transported to Lincoln Parish Detention Center.
Mr. Lawrence was engaged and enrolled 18 months after the incident. During this time PW had remained in jail. After examination of the facts, evidence, and reports Mr. Lawrence negotiated a plea deal of time served and 3 years of probation to begin upon release.
Since every case is different, the reproduction of these results cannot be guaranteed. However, if you would like to schedule a consultation, the attorneys of Lawrence Law Firm will look at the facts of your case with the same scrutiny and will work tirelessly to achieve the most favorable results.
Practice area(s): Criminal Defense