4 Felonies including Domestic Abuse Battery pled and received - PROBATION
December 2020
When Gabriel came to Lawrence Law Firm he had been charged with two counts of Domestic Abuse Battery involving strangulation and child endangerment, simple burglary, and Theft of a Motor Vehicle with a value over $25,000.00. These were 4 serious felonies and Gabriel already had a lengthy criminal history. The prosecutor's offer, at the time Mr. Lawrence became involved, was a total of 10 years hard labor and upon his release 8 more years were suspended while serving 6 years on probation.
Aaron spoke with Gabriel and got to understand his family situation, helped him get into anger management and substance abuse classes, all the while keeping a job and paying his family obligations. Eventually, the prosecutor, based on Gabriel's progress submitted to a plea deal requiring no jail time from Gabriel.
Since every case is different, the reproduction of these results cannot be guaranteed. However, if you would like to schedule a consultation, the attorneys of Lawrence Law Firm will look at the facts of your case with the same scrutiny and will work tirelessly to achieve the most favorable results.
Practice area(s): Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence